How are we reducing our carbon footprint?

We reduce our own waste production and greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible. But for us, this is not enough yet. We are determined to be completely carbon neutral.

To achieve this, we calculated the total environmental impact of our supply chain and transport. Together with the Carbon Trust, we assessed our impact to be below 200 tons of CO2 equivalents per year. To put this into context: This is less environmental impact that only one transatlantic flight from London to New York has. With this result, we decided to offset our impact on the climate.

Greenhouse gases emissions are global, thus an increase or decrease in one country effects the rest of the world. This is can be done by a carbon offset: A voluntary action to help reducing global greenhouse gas emissions in another part of the world. The projects are generally most efficient in developing countries, due to the greater efficiency of appliances in developed countries.

Consumers need to be aware that their choices can literally save the lives of our farmers, our rivers and streams and give our youth a chance to grown up in an unpolluted environment.

To make matters worse, many Indian farmers, facing illness and bankruptcy as a result of using pesticides, end up committing suicide, leaving behind their destitute families to suffer.